Are smoothies healthy?  They are not the best for health and must be avoided.  Our diet should consist of mainly cooked foods, however certified raw dairy is excellent.  Problems with smoothies include:

    1. Interferes with Digestion.  Smoothies dilute the digestive juices, which impairs digestion.  It is not ideal to have liquids with foods because this will interfere with digestion.  Smoothies often contain water, juice, or milk.
    2. Too much Sugar.  Smoothies may contain fruit, chocolate, or other ingredients, which consist of too much sugar.  It is important to avoid all sugars, even natural sugars, including fruit, honey, agave nectar, maple syrup, juices, and more.  One exception is carrot juice, which is full of nutrients and is important for eye health.
    3. Contains Raw Foods.  These can include raw vegetables, fruit, or others, which is not ideal for health.  Our foods need to be cooked, especially vegetables. By cooking vegetables, you are breaking down the tough fibers in order to absorb minerals properly.  Some smoothies may contain nuts or seeds, which are difficult on digestion.
    4. May Comprise of Protein Powders.    It is always a healthier option to eat real whole foods, such as an egg or chicken, instead of protein powders.
    5. They are Cold.  The body will actually expend energy in order to warm up the cold foods and beverages you put into it.
    6. May Consist of Low-Fat or Fat-Free Dairy:  Some smoothies may contain low-fat or fat-free dairy, which is not healthful.  Dairy should always be full-fat for optimum health and not pasteurized.  Certified raw dairy is ideal.  Other smoothies may contain plant milk, such as almond, soy, coconut, or rice milk, which should be avoided.  Animal milks are more nutritious.

Are smoothies healthy?  No they are not.

Focus on eating cooked foods.  Eat three meals per day.  The majority of your meals should consist of organic cooked vegetables for mineral content.  Most raw foods should be avoided.  Eating animal protein once or twice daily is optimal.

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Kristen Harper

Kristen Harper is a Health & Wellness Speaker. She will inspire your audience to keep healthy, happy, and motivated!